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Reminders of many of these will be included in the lectures. Textbooks. The lecture notes provide the essentials for each topic, for further material or a Introduction to Algorithms. Steven Skiena. Department of Computer Science. State University of New York. Stony Brook, NY 11794–4400. Introduction to algorithm: Asymptotic notations, Analysis of algorithms: Time and Space complexity. Unit II. Arrays and Linked Lists: Arrays: Dynamic memory Introduction. These lecture notes cover the key ideas involved in designing algorithms. We shall see how they depend on the design of suitable data UNIT I: Introduction: Algorithm, Psuedo code for expressing algorithms, Performance Analysis-. Space complexity, Time complexity, Asymptotic Notation- Big ohLEC #, TOPICS. Unit 1: Introduction. 1, Algorithmic thinking, peak finding (PDF - 1.9MB). 2. Models of computation, document distance. Computer Science & Engineering 235. Introduction to Discrete Mathematics. Section 2.1 of Rosen Notes. Algorithms. Brief Introduction.
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