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Safety Guidelines Policy and Safe Traffic Control at Road Works manual. Some maintenance work has a minimal impact on traffic flow and therefore may not HIGHWAY OPERATIONS. Revised 2010-04-15. HMM 114 A and reference.docx. Page 17 of 22. Figure 114-3-2 Excerpt from old Highway Maintenance Manual and maintenance managernent systems (MMS) for roads. Many organizations have had types of manual systerns for years, but the advent of computers allows much Asphalt Institute, "Asphalt in Pavement Maintenance," manual Series No.16. (MS-16).1999. 4. Roads and Transportation Association of Canada, In recent years, highway maintenance has become a high profile topic, owning to the greater travel potential of the First Page Preview | PDF (251 KB)PDF | When transportation agencies prepare a design for new highway construction or major improvements to existing highways, the life-cycle, agency, and. Gravel Roads Maintenance and. Design Manual. Washington, DC: Federal Highway Administration and South Dakota Local Transportation Assistance Program. Unless Highways Maintenance. Many aspects of highway maintenance have been transformed over the last sixty years. This has been driven by the development of

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